Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
Chatová osada Mikop
+28 photos

Chatová osada Mikop

Nitrianske Rudno
4.6 - excellent
24 reviews

Dana:"Všetko bolo fajn až na wifi sieť ktorá neustále nešla,Ináč sa nám páčilo"

See all ratings

The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 70 personsof which 14 extra beds
14 cottages
14 bedrooms14 bathrooms, 14x WC
Dog allowedfor a fee

In a quiet environment near the dam! Chatová osada Mikop is located in the recreational area Nitrianske Rudno by the lake and in a cottage settlement. 14 cottages sleep 70 people (of which 14 are extra beds) in 14 bedrooms (14 bathrooms, 14x WC). Accommodation is available only for you. Stay with a dog is allowed for a fee. Outside you will find gazebo, outdoor seating, outdoor fireplace, terrace, cauldron, garden swing and grill. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: playground, trampoline, slide and children's swing are available. The plot is fenced. Parking is for 20 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Ski resort Valaska Bela - Homôlka (22,2 km), the nearest swimming is Outdoor thermal pools Bojnice (13,4 km). Nearby you can see the cave Prepoštská cave (14 km) or Hradek nad Diviaky Nitricou (6,1 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Chatová osada Mikop
14x Chatka

Total capacity: 5 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 1x bunk bed
Equipment: The kitchen, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 12/09/2024.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Chatová osada Mikop

Winter season
1. Jan - 31. May
neprenajíma sa
min. 4 nights
0 € Not for rent
Not for rent
Summer season
1. Jun - 30. Sep
max. počet osôb 5
min. 4 nights
55 € rental / night
rental / night
Winter season
1. Oct - 31. Dec
neprenajíma sa
min. 4 nights
0 € Not for rent
Not for rent
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
Winter season
1. Jan - 31. May min. 4 nights neprenajíma sa0 € / Not for rent
Summer season
1. Jun - 30. Sep min. 4 nights max. počet osôb 555 € / rental / night
Winter season
1. Oct - 31. Dec min. 4 nights neprenajíma sa0 € / Not for rent

More details

The price also includes:
bed sheet, WiFi internet, parking
We prefer:
Families with children
We do not accept:
Loud celebrations and parties
The price also includes:bed sheet, WiFi internet, parking
We prefer:Families with children
We do not accept:Loud celebrations and parties
Detailed information on prices: Minimálny počet noci 4. Cena je 55€/noc/chatka. Preferujeme týždňové pobyty.


rental discounts: Stay from 7 nightsdiscount 5%

Surcharges on the spot

Tourist tax: 0.6 € / person / night
Wood for the fireplace: 5 € / yearly (debnička dreva/5€)
Pet: 2 € / night

Basic information

rental usable:Only in summer 01.06 - 30.09
Arrival for stay:from 15:00 - to 19:00
Departure from the stay:to 10:00
Parking options:20 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?NO, the host does not stay / live in the building during the stay
Staying with a pet?ALLOWED, without restrictions, for a fee (upon agreement with the host)
Is the rental fenced?YES, the rental is fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible
Heating:No heating
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed
Mobile coverage:Telekom, Orange, O2
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Chatová osada, 972 26 Nitrianske Rudno
GPS location:48.8103832, 18.4784809 Show the map
Regions:Západné Slovensko, Strážovské vrchy, Horná Nitra, Považie, Chránené územie Strážovské vrchy , Ponitrie, Vtáčnik, Chránené územie Ponitrie , okres Prievidza, Trenčiansky kraj
Location of the rental:In the recreational area
Refinement of location:By the water, By the lake, In a cottage settlement
The shop:2 km
A restaurant:200 m
Train (railway station):15 km
Bus (stop):500 m
Nearest lift / ski resort:Ski resort Valaska Bela - Homôlka (by car 22,2 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Outdoor thermal pools Bojnice (by car 13,4 km)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the rental / in the area of the rental:Gazebo, Outdoor fireplace, Grill, Terrace, Garden swing, Cauldron, Outdoor seating
Possibilities for children in the building / in the area of the building:Children's swing, Trampoline, Slide, Playground
Sports possibilities in the building / in the area of the building:Badminton, Football, Basketball, Tennis, Electronic darts, Fishing
rental is suitable for:For cyclists, For groups, For families with children, For tourists, For bikers, For fishermen, For students, For the demanding, For four
rental is suitable for:Agrotourism, For summer, Active holiday, Long-term rental, Weekend stays, Recreation vouchers, Relaxation stays


4.6 - excellent
24 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Dana  26/08/2024
Všetko bolo fajn až na wifi sieť ktorá neustále nešla,Ináč sa nám páčilo
Ľubica  11/08/2024
Vanessa  27/07/2024
Klaudia  18/06/2024
Krásne prostredie chatka tiež v pohode ,čistá útulná nič nsm v nej nechýbalo. Majitelia tiež veľmi milí určite sa vrátime:)
Zuzana  (Friends)  11/09/2022
Marta  (A family with small children)  13/08/2022
Na fotkách vyzerá chata omnoho lepšie ako v skutočnosti. Staré minimálne 30 ročné matrace, mali sme mať manželskú posteľ, v skutočnosti to bola len rozťahovacia pohovka, ktorá po rozložení mala uprostred "jamu" a rozložená mala len 140cm, čo nám prekážalo, keďže sme spali na posteli s dieťaťom. Kúpeľňa bola síce prerobená, ale zanedbaná, špáry boli špinavé. Bola tam len jedna rolka toaletného papiera pre 5 osôb na 5 dní a mydlo v nádobke ani nie 1/3. Na oknách neboli žiadne sieťky, tým pádom sme buď mali komáre alebo horúco a smrad, keďže chata bola zatuchnutá. V kuchyni sme mali len 3 lyžice pre 5 osôb, majiteľ nám povedal že to sa stáva, keď sú väčšie skupinky návštevníkov. Majiteľ pôsobil ľahostajným a arogantným dojmom. V popise je napísané, že tematika ubytovania je romantické, ale od romantiky to malo ďaleko. Wifi pripojenie bolo slabé alebo vôbec nešlo. Na detskom ihrisku bola trampolína v zlom stave, bez rebríka. Sme za dobrodružstvo a nepotrpíme si na luxuse, ale hlavne nech je čisto a nie je smrad. Čo sa o tejto chate nedá povedať. Cena nezodpovedá službe.
Anna (A family with small children)  08/08/2022
Katarína  (A family with small children)  25/07/2022
Jednoduché ubytovanie, ale čisté. V areáli detské ihrisko, možnosť opekanie a grilovania. Od pláže v zdialene asi 10 minút pešo. Nám sa veľmi páčilo.
Stanislav (A family with small children)  19/07/2021
pokoj, súkromie, prístup majiteľa
Medovarsky (A family with small children)  18/08/2020
Všetko ok ubytovanie pekné
Ivan (A family with small children)  17/08/2020
Ubytovanie podla popisu, velmi ustretovy majitel. Vrelo doporucujem.
Vanessa (Group)  30/07/2020
Príjemné prostredie Ústretové a férové jednanie
Nemám čo vytknúť
Silvia (A family with older children)  24/07/2020
Jednoduché ubytovanie pre nenáročných. Ústretový majiteľ a veľa možností pre šport a turistiku ale aj posedenie vonku a možnosť grilovania priamo pri ubytovaní.
Lujza  (A family with small children)  22/07/2020
Všetko sa nám páčilo, ja si hľadám pobyt kde mám všetko pre svoju rodinu ,hlavne wc s kupelňou, a že som nikomu nemusela dávať zálohu nenavratnu.
Nemám čo vytknúť.
Barbora (A family with small children)  17/07/2020
Tiché a pekné prostredie, príjemný majiteľ, chatky čisté a dobre vybavené, blízko vody.
Marcela  (A family with small children)  08/08/2019
Nam sa velmi pacilo ubytovanie a pan majitel s rodinou su velmi mili a prijemni ludia.
Daniel (A family with older children)  27/09/2018
Velmi krasne sme si oddychli. Chatky sú čiste a priestorne. Prostredie je pekne, zelene. Odporucame aj rodinam s malími detmi.
Ulrika (A family with older children)  23/07/2018
Veľmi ochotný a príjemný majiteľ. Chatka bola čistá a dostatočne vybavená na víkendový či týždenný pobyt. Voda sa nachádza blízko chatiek a je vhodná na kúpanie i na rybolov. Ľahká bola aj dostupnosť do Bojníc kde je veľa turistických atrakcií. Nám sa tento výlet jednoznačne páčil a určite by sme ho odporúčali.
Pavla (A family with older children)  10/10/2017
František  (A family with small children)  03/09/2017
Dobře zařízené chatky a všude čisto . Teplá voda na sprchování. Všude klid a pohoda.
Málo vody v přehradě a nevhodná na koupání.
Lenča (A family with small children)  15/07/2017
Velmi pěkné zařízení chatky, čisté,velmi příjemný a ochotný majitel.
Málo prostoru pro vyžití děti.
Alena (A family with older children)  07/07/2017
Veľmi príjemné a tiché prostredie. Voda veľmi blízko a čistá vhodná nie len na rybolov ale aj nakúpanie
Sonička (Young couple)  10/08/2016
pokojné prostredie v čarokrásnej prírode
Helena (A family with small children)  01/08/2016
Ubytovanie bolo veľmi pekné
trošku dovybaviť kuchyňu

Object description

The Mikop cottage settlement is situated in a beautiful, peaceful environment in close proximity to the Nitrianske Rudno water reservoir. The ideal location of the cottages in a quiet environment at a distance of approximately 50 meters from the shore of the dam, provides our guests with ample opportunities for rest, relaxation and active relaxation.

In addition to taking pleasant hiking and cycling tours through the beautiful surrounding nature, you can also make your stay more pleasant by using the various attractions in the nearby Camping Nitrianske Rudno, where carousels, a toboggan, a children's playground, a multi-functional playground, beach volleyball and pedal boats are available. You will also be very close to Pizzeria Kohút, where you can use the services of the restaurant and bowling. You can also have a great rest at the nearby HIPO Máčov Equestrian Club, at the Delfín swimming pool in Nováky, in the spa or the Čajka thermal swimming pool in Bojnice, or during a tour of the Bojnice Zoo and the charming Bojnice Castle. Adrenaline lovers will get their money's worth at the airport in Prievidza, where they can enjoy skydiving or sightseeing flights with wonderful panoramic views of the surrounding beautiful nature.

We offer you cozy accommodation in 14 more simply furnished cabins, individually adapted for accommodation of 4 to 5 people. The total capacity of all cottages, including extra beds, is up to 70 beds.

Each cabin has two bunk beds (or a combination of a bunk bed and a double bed) as well as a kitchenette with a dining area and basic equipment (electric double stove, refrigerator, microwave oven, kettle, dishes). All cabins also have their own sanitary facilities (shower, sink, toilet) as well as the possibility of using one extra bed (in the form of a single bed). The cabins are part of a fenced area, which includes a terrace with the possibility of sitting outside and grilling on the garden's brick fireplace. Parking your cars is always possible directly next to the individual cabins. Wifi connection available.

We rent cottages for a minimum of two nights with check-in after 3:00 p.m. and departure always before 10:00 a.m. In the case of long-term stays, we provide guests with favorable discounts. We are looking forward to you.

Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Chatová osada Mikop free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Chatová osada Mikop? 14 cottages sleep 70 persons (of which 14 extra beds). No other guests will be accommodated in the property during your stay. Stay with a dog is allowed for a fee.
Allows accommodation Chatová osada Mikop stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Stay with a dog is allowed for a fee. Find the rates here.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Chatová osada Mikop? Accommodation prices Chatová osada Mikop may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Chatová osada Mikop? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Chatová osada Mikop varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.