Choose from a menu of up to 15 rentals undefined

6,3 km
Stay in a castle with beer baths
Slavičín • 1 apartment a 19 rooms, 64 persons, 20 bedrooms. In the center of the village. Hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 1870 Kč / room for two / night

9,9 km
Brumov-Bylnice - Bylnice • 4 persons, 1 bedroom. Outside the village, by the forest, by the stream. Without internet. Dog allowed.
5 3 reviews
from 680 Kč / cottage / night

9,9 km
Brumov-Bylnice - Bylnice • 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, by the stream. Sauna, without internet. Dog allowed.
4.9 1 review
from 1420 Kč / cottage / night

11,1 km
A charming cottage in a quiet location
Lidečko • 8 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Sauna. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 3570 Kč / cottage / night

12,1 km
Boarding house with pets and horses
Podhradí • 3 apartments, 15 persons, 4 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, by the forest, by the stream. Dog allowed.
5 1 review
from 450 Kč / person / night

12,7 km
Spacious cottage with wellness and swimming pool
Pozděchov • 19 persons, 6 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, by the forest. Swimming pool, hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 5280 Kč / cottage / night

14,6 km
Francova Lhota - Pulčín • 5 apartments, 32 persons, 8 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, on the mountains. Hot tub, bathtub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4.6 13 reviews
from 400 Kč / person / night

14,9 km
Historic building in Wallachia
Lužná • 4 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
5 3 reviews
from 3250 Kč / cottage / night

14,9 km
A peaceful holiday in the middle of the Beskydy Mountains in Wallachia
Lužná • 5 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, by the stream. Dog allowed.
5 6 reviews
from 2160 Kč / cottage / night

18,7 km
Starý Hrozenkov • 7 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, by the stream. Dog allowed.
5 2 reviews
from 1414 Kč / cottage / night

19,0 km
Year-round cottage at affordable prices
Lysá pod Makytou • 22 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Without internet. Dog allowed.
5 10 reviews
from 200 € / cottage / night

19,1 km
New four-story cottage
Lysá pod Makytou - Dešná • 42 persons, 8 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Without internet. Dog allowed.
No reviews
from 12 € / person / night

19,5 km
Cottage with its own wellness area
Lysá pod Makytou - Dešná • 20 persons, 6 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, by the forest, by the stream, on the mountains. Hot tub, sauna, without internet. Dog allowed.
4.9 10 reviews
from 320 € / cottage / night

19,6 km
Modern accommodation for a family holiday on an organic farm right in Zlín
Zlín - Lužkovice • 6 rooms, 24 persons, 12 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, by the forest. With the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.6 15 reviews
from 1700 Kč / apartment / night

19,8 km
Cottage with a pond
Hvozdná • 14 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the lake. Dog allowed.
4.8 2 reviews
from 3000 Kč / cottage / night