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Choose from a menu of up to 19 rentals undefined

Roman military camp Iža
Život je fajnŽivot je fajnŽivot je fajnŽivot je fajnŽivot je fajnŽivot je fajnŽivot je fajnŽivot je fajnŽivot je fajnŽivot je fajn
6,4 km
Unique and modern floating house by the nature near the town
Komárno • 4 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the lake. Dog not allowed.
4.7 1 review
from 140 € / apartment / night
Hausboat life is goodHausboat life is goodHausboat life is goodHausboat life is goodHausboat life is goodHausboat life is goodHausboat life is goodHausboat life is goodHausboat life is goodHausboat life is good
6,4 km
Unique accommodation right on the water
Komárno • 4 persons, 1 bedroom. In the recreational area, close to river. Dog not allowed.
4.9 7 reviews
from 120 € / cottage / night
ExteriérBazénAltánokBazén, saunaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaKuchynkaKuchynka
8,1 km
Swimming pool, sauna, whirlpool, also suitable for corporate events
Patince • 17 persons, 5 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna. Dog allowed.
4 1 review
from 350 € / cottage / night
ExteriéraltánokApartmánApartmánApartmánŠtúdioApartmánApartmánkúpeľňa s toaletoukúpeľňa s toaletou
8,1 km
Patince • 2 studios a  2 apartments, 14 persons, 6 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool, by the water. Dog allowed.
4.1 13 reviews
from 25 € / person / night
Villa Gracia PatinceVilla Gracia PatinceVilla Gracia PatinceVilla Gracia PatinceVilla Gracia PatinceVilla Gracia PatinceVilla Gracia PatinceVilla Gracia PatinceVilla Gracia PatinceVilla Gracia Patince
8,1 km
Patince - kúpele • 4 apartments, 24 persons, 8 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool, close to river, in a cottage settlement. Hot tub. Dog allowed.
4.6 14 reviews
from 70 € / apartment / night
8,1 km
Cottages directly in the area of the swimming pool with Thermalpark included in the price (12 pools)
Patince • 12 cottages, 72 persons, 24 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool, in a cottage settlement. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
5 1 review
from 113 € / cottage / night
SpálňaObývacia miestnosťExteriérExteriérKúpaliskoObývacia miestnosťKuchynský kútKúpeľňaKúpeľňaKúpeľňa
8,2 km
Apartments in the area of ​​the swimming pool
Patince • 2 apartments, 10 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool, by the lake. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna. Dog not allowed.
No reviews
from 60 € / apartment / night
Apartmánový dom TermálStandard ApartmánApartmánový dom TermálStandard apartmanApartmánový dom TermálApartmánový dom TermálWC a sprchaApartmánový dom TermálApartmánový dom TermálApartmánový dom Termál
8,2 km
Only 30 m from the thermal baths, WIFI, swimming pools
Patince • 11 apartments, 46 persons, 12 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the swimming pool. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.6 17 reviews
from 45 € / apartment / night
ExteriérExteriérExteriérDetské ihriskoZmrzlinaKuchynský kútKuchynský kútKuchynský kútobývacia časťSpálňa
8,2 km
With air conditioning at the Patince thermal swimming pool for a great price!
Patince • 12 apartments, 48 persons, 12 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool, by the water. Swimming pool, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4 11 reviews
from 55 € / apartment / night
ExteriérExteriérExteriérDetské ihriskoDetské ihriskoKuchynský kútSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňa
8,2 km
Comfortable accommodation directly in the area of ​​the thermal swimming pool Patince!
Patince • 8 apartments, 40 persons, 16 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the swimming pool. Swimming pool. Dog not allowed.
4.9 17 reviews
from 69 € / apartment / night
Apartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata DanaApartmánová chata Dana
8,3 km
Patince • 2 apartments, 8 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the area of the swimming pool. Swimming pool, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.1 5 reviews
from 70 € / apartment / night
Izba 2+1Izba 2+2Rodinná bunkaIzba 2+2Izba 2+1ReštauráciaReštauráciaPenzión** BonaparteŠportový bazén, toboganový svet a Penzión** BonaparteBazénový svet Wellness centra
8,4 km
Patince • 19 rooms, 64 persons, 21 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the swimming pool. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.7 13 reviews
from 23 € / person / night
ExteriérBazén HojdačkaVonkajšie posedenieKuchyňaSpoločenská miestnosťSpálňaKuchyňaKuchyňaExteriér
9,4 km
20 meters from the lake
Virt • 10 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the lake, in a cottage settlement. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.7 8 reviews
from 100 € / cottage / night
kávička pri DuanjiExteriér2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba č.62-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba
12,5 km
Accommodation with a view of the Danube, wellness directly in the building
Radvaň nad Dunajom • 5 rooms a  2 apartments, 22 persons, 7 bedrooms. In the village, by the stream. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.3 4 reviews
from 29 € / person / night
ExteriérVínna pivnicaWellnessSpoločenská akciaSvadba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba2-lôžková izba
12,8 km
WINERY * * Pension Restaurant St. Petrus Vini
Svätý Peter • 15 rooms, 45 persons, 15 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog not allowed.
4.8 3 reviews
from 55 € / room for two / night
ExteriérExteriérSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaSpálňaKúpeľňaKúpeľňaSpoločenská miestnosť
12,9 km
Chata Dunaj only 35 meters from the beach!
Radvaň nad Dunajom • 9 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, close to river. Without internet. Dog allowed.
4.9 8 reviews
from 80 € / cottage / night
wellness - fínska sauna a vírivkaChata TOBOBazénChata TOBOChata TOBOChata TOBOSpálňaSpálňaObývacia miestnosťKuchyňa
13,9 km
TOBO cottage near the Danube
Radvaň nad Dunajom • 11 persons, 3 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the forest, close to river, in a cottage settlement. Swimming pool, hot tub, sauna, without internet. Dog allowed.
4.6 6 reviews
from 110 € / cottage / night
ExteriérTerasaExteriérAltánokDetské ihriskoTerasaOkolieZáhradaAltánokExteriér
16,3 km
Beautiful view, excellent location
Moča • 3 rooms a  1 apartment, 14 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, close to river. Dog not allowed.
5 1 review
from 17 € / person / night
Chata pri vodeVonkajšie posedenieAltánokDomčekKuchynský kútDomčekDomčekChata pri vodeDomčekChata pri vode
16,4 km
Cottages by the river in solitude
Imeľ • 2 cottages, 18 persons, 4 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, close to river. Dog allowed.
5 4 reviews
from 140 € / cottage / night
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