Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmány Dalbi
+20 photos

Apartmány Dalbi

Veľký Meder
4.6 - excellent
11 reviews

Eva:"Ubytování bylo nádherné. Ubytování je velmi dobré a čisté. My jsme tady byli spokojeni."

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The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Max. 28 personsof which 2 extra beds
7 apartments
8 bedrooms7 bathrooms, 7x WC
No dogs allowed

Jump from Thermal Corvinus Veľký Meder! Apartmány Dalbi are located in the recreational area Veľký Meder by the swimming pool. 7 apartments sleep 28 people (of which 2 are extra beds) in 8 bedrooms (7 bathrooms, 7x WC). Multiple independent groups can be accommodated. Stay with a dog is not allowed. Outside you will find gazebo, outdoor seating, cauldron and grill. The accommodation is suitable for families with children: playground and children's swing are available. The plot is fenced. Parking is for 6 cars by the object.

You can ski in the ski center Chamois - Chalet (71,8 km), the nearest swimming is Thermal pool Velky Meder Thermal Corvinus (1000 m). Nearby you can see the cave Svoradova cave (85,9 km) or Castle Kolárovo (25,5 km).

Accommodation price list can be found here. 
Check availability with the host here.
Frequently asked questions and answers.

Room layout and equipment

Apartmány Dalbi
2x Apartmán pre 2 osoby

Total capacity: 2 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed
Equipment: Kitchen corner, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Apartmány Dalbi
4x Apartmán pre 4 osoby

Total capacity: 4 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 1x bunk bed
Equipment: Kitchen corner, Bathroom with toilet

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Apartmány Dalbi
Apartmánový dom pre 8 osôb

Total capacity: 8 persons

1. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 1x a bed, 1x extra bed
2. Bedroom: 1x double bed, 1x a bed, 1x extra bed
Equipment: The kitchen, Bathroom with toilet

Show details

Occupancy calendar

last update: 19/12/2024.
The legend:20arrival  21occupied  22departure  23partially occupied  
The legend:
20arrival  21occupied  22departure  
23partially occupied  


Prices are set by the host directly, no extra fees.
Check it out and call the host now.

Apartmány Dalbi

2. Jan - 30. Jun
cena od, závisí od počtu osôb a nocí
min. 2 persons min. 2 nights
15 € Person / night
Person / night
Summer season
1. Jul - 31. Aug
min. 2 persons min. 7 nights
15 € Person / night
Person / night
New Year's Eve
30. Dec - 1. Jan
min. 2 persons min. 3 nights
15 € Person / night
Person / night
1. Sep - 29. Dec
cena od, závisí od počtu osôb a nocí
min. 2 persons min. 2 nights
15 € Person / night
Person / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan
od 2 -12 rokov
min. 2 persons min. 2 nights
12 € Child / night
Child / night
SeasonTerm of the seasonMin. number of personsMin. number of nightsNote of the hostThe price
2. Jan - 30. Jun min. 2 persons min. 2 nights cena od, závisí od počtu osôb a nocí15 € / Person / night
Summer season
1. Jul - 31. Aug min. 2 persons min. 7 nights 15 € / Person / night
New Year's Eve
30. Dec - 1. Jan min. 2 persons min. 3 nights 15 € / Person / night
1. Sep - 29. Dec min. 2 persons min. 2 nights cena od, závisí od počtu osôb a nocí15 € / Person / night
1. Jan - 1. Jan min. 2 persons min. 2 nights od 2 -12 rokov12 € / Child / night

More details

The price also includes:
parking, bed sheet, WiFi internet
The price also includes:parking, bed sheet, WiFi internet
Detailed information on prices: Krátke pobyty sú s príplatkom: 3,- €/osoba. V sezóne júl, august len týždenné pobyty, pobyt možný od min. 2 osôb.

Surcharges on the spot

Tourist tax: 1 € / person / day

Basic information

rental usable:Yearly
Arrival for stay:from 14:00
Departure from the stay:to 10:00
Parking options:6 parking spaces, at the rental
Does the host live in the building?NO, the host does not stay / live in the building during the stay
Staying with a pet?It is not allowed
Is the rental fenced?YES, the rental is fenced
Is the rental wheelchair accessible?NO, the building is not wheelchair accessible
Is smoking allowed in the building?Smoking indoors is NOT allowed
Mobile coverage:Telekom, Orange, O2
Dining options:Without food
Layout of the rooms:See the layout and equipment of the rooms

Location of the rental

Address of the rental facility:Čičovská 1150/1, 932 01 Veľký Meder
GPS location:47.8511097, 17.7658964 Show the map
Regions:Chránené územie Dunajské luhy , Žitný ostrov, Podunajská nížina, Podunajsko, Južné Slovensko, Západné Slovensko, okres Dunajská Streda, Trnavský kraj
Location of the rental:In the recreational area
Refinement of location:By the swimming pool, Near the water park
The shop:40 m
A restaurant:300 m
Train (railway station):2 km
Bus (stop):1,5 km
Nearest lift / ski resort:Chamois - Chalet (by car 71,8 km)
Nearest swimming pool / water park:Thermal pool Velky Meder Thermal Corvinus (by car 1000 m)


Internet connection in the building:Yes, WiFi
At the rental / in the area of the rental:Gazebo, Grill, Cauldron, Outdoor seating
Possibilities for children in the building / in the area of the building:Children's swing, Playground
Additional services in the building:Washing machine, Iron
rental is suitable for:For two, For families with children, For seniors, For groups, For tourists, For four
rental is suitable for:Active holiday, For summer, Relaxation stays, Weekend stays


4.6 - excellent
11 reviews
The reviews are filled out by former guests of the facility. We do not delete negative reviews.
The staff
Attractions in the vicinity
Eva  18/09/2024
Ubytování bylo nádherné. Ubytování je velmi dobré a čisté. My jsme tady byli spokojeni.
The host's answer:


Jozef (Young couple)  25/10/2019
Príjemné prostredie, útulné ubytova&anie, čistota 100%
The host's answer:


Marta (Elderly couple)  24/10/2016
Pěkné ubytování, přijatelná cena, korektní jednání majitele, bezplatný přívoz a odvoz na nádraží.
Ján (Elderly couple)  10/10/2016
Bolo vynikajúco. Možeme len odporúčať. 100% spokojnosť!!! Určite sa ešte vrátime. 9,7
Ľubomír (Elderly couple)  04/10/2016
Děkujeme za moc příjemný pobyt u vás.Všude čisto,útulno,cítili jsme se jako doma.Vše super,rádi se vrátíme.Díky
Jozef (Elderly couple)  03/10/2016
Pěkné bydlení, čisté. Jednání majitelů bylo velmi vstřícné. Nemám problém zde strávit kdykoliv další dovolenou.
Jirka (A family with older children)  03/10/2016
Vše k plné spokojenosti
s žádnými jsme se nesetkali
Marta (Friends)  02/10/2016
Čistota a seriózne jednanie.
Eva (Elderly couple)  11/07/2016
Tento apartmán jsme si řádně objednali a rezervaci potvrdili,a přesto nám nebyl umožněn pobyt a to dodnes nemám vysvětlení, přestože jsem se i telefonicky spojila s majitelem nic se nezměnilo. Přijeli jsme v daný den i v čase který nám byl určen a paní která tam byla nám jednoduše oznámila že nás dají někam jinam,po námitkách že jsme si objednali apartmán Dalbi ,nám bylo oznámeno"pokud se vám nelíbí ,nemusíte to brát, jím prý někdo odřekl tak se rozhodli takto" a poté nám nabídla ubytování v jejím domě, kde to byl děs.A s velkým klidem čekali na další hosty. Hodně sprosté jednání,nedoporučuji nikomu jednání s majiteli. Raději si najděte jiné ubytování!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Štefan  25/07/2012
Ubytovanie bolo príjemné ale nakoľko sme museli ukončiť pobyt kôli úrazu skôr, očakávali sme férovosť, čiže vrátenie aspoň zálohy.
Jaroslav Nečesaný s rodinou  31/10/2010
Dobré ubytování za přijatelnou cenu.Překrásné chvíle v altánu, opékání v krbu a posezení s novými přáteli. Pokoje sice menší, ale útulné, možná že bychom uvítali rychlovarnou konvici. Jinak perfektní ubytování. J. Nečesaný s rodinou Kolín

Object description

Cozy Dalbi apartments are popular with guests from Slovakia and abroad, and it's no wonder. They offer you comfortable accommodation in the form of four four-bed and two two-bed apartments, to which an extra bed can be added if desired. In each of the apartments you have a bathroom with a toilet and a shower, as well as a TV, a kitchenette with a refrigerator and a WIFI Internet connection. Outside, you can simultaneously use the gazebo, where you can prepare delicious meals on the grill, or the children's playground, thanks to which even your little ones will not be bored.

We also offer you accommodation in an apartment house for 8 people. The house includes two bedrooms with a TV, a fully equipped kitchen and a bathroom with a toilet. Parking for 6 cars is provided in the yard of the building, and nearby you will find shops and restaurants.

Only a few minutes' walk from the Dalbi apartments separates you from the popular thermal swimming pool Thermal Corvinus Veľký Meder, where all age groups will have fun thanks to the wide range of pools, water slides, sports options and relaxation services. The cheerful Thermal Express tourist train will also bring you other attractions of the spa town Veľký Meder, where you can also visit the Vlastivedný dom, walk to the picturesque gravel pit or try your hand at the Tarzania rope park. Don't hesitate to discover more of the attractions of Podunajska and Žitné ostrov, whether you are already tempted by the Dunajské luhy or the Gabčíkovo waterworks.

Frequently asked questions

When is the accommodation? Apartmány Dalbi free? Availability can be checked in the calendar.
What capacity does the accommodation have? Apartmány Dalbi? 7 apartments sleep 28 persons (of which 2 extra beds). It is possible to accommodate several independent groups in the building. Stay with a dog is not allowed.
Allows accommodation Apartmány Dalbi stay with a dog? How much is paid for a dog? Stay with a dog is not allowed.
What is the price for staying in accommodation? Apartmány Dalbi? Accommodation prices Apartmány Dalbi may vary (e.g. depending on the date of your stay or the number of people). See the exact prices in the price list.
What is the minimum number of nights in the accommodation Apartmány Dalbi? Minimum number of nights of stay in the accommodation Apartmány Dalbi varies depending on the date of your stay. Exact information can be found in the price list here.

Attractions and surroundings

* Distances are measured in air. Click on the distance to open a map with navigation.