Choose from a menu of up to 4 rentals Dešenice
Pension for your quiet vacation in the solitude of Šumava
Chudenín - Uhliště • 13 rooms a 2 apartments, 45 persons, 17 bedrooms. In solitude near the village, by the forest, close to river. Swimming pool, sauna, with the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
4.9 6 reviews
from 760 Kč / person / night
Pleasant guesthouse with a restaurant
Běhařov • 24 rooms a 1 apartment, 54 persons, 27 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. With the possibility of catering. Dog allowed.
5 1 review
from 750 Kč / room for two / night
Železná Ruda - Hojsova Stráž • 4 apartments, 24 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Dog allowed.
4.8 4 reviews
from 850 Kč / apartment / night