Choose from a menu of up to 9 rentals Brestovec (okres Myjava)
Accommodation with a pool!
Stará Myjava - Uhliská • 5 rooms, 20 persons, 5 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest. Swimming pool. Dog allowed.
4.7 16 reviews
from 30 € / cottage / night
Stará Myjava • 11 persons, 2 bedrooms. In the recreational area, by the water, on the mountains, in a cottage settlement. Dog allowed.
4.8 6 reviews
from 100 € / cottage / night
Stará Myjava • 17 cottages, 111 persons, 30 bedrooms. In the recreational area, in the forest, on the mountains, in a cottage settlement. Dog allowed.
4.6 19 reviews
from 46 € / cottage / night
Possibility of renting a separate apartment for 6 people
Stará Myjava • 18 persons, 4 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village. Dog allowed.
5 2 reviews
from 120 € / apartment / night
Priepasné - Markovci • 4 persons, 2 bedrooms. On the outskirts of the village, by the forest, by the stream. Dog allowed.
4.7 13 reviews
from 50 € / apartment / night
A farm in the magical region of Myjavské kopanice
Priepasné • 7 persons, 2 bedrooms. Outside the village, by the forest. Dog not allowed.
4.8 13 reviews
from 20 € / person / night
A unique straw house
Vrbovce - Štefanová • 10 persons, 1 bedroom. In the recreational area, by the forest. Without internet. Dog not allowed.
4.9 2 reviews
from 64 € / cottage / night
Modern rooms
Stará Turá • 9 rooms, 24 persons, 9 bedrooms. In the village. Dog not allowed.
4.8 13 reviews
from 18 € / person / night